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The Right Track: What’s so joyful about liberals? Nothing.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz gave his formal acceptance speech for the vice presidential nomination Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention.
Dubbed a “joyful warrior,” along with Kamala Harris, Walz acts as if he is exuding small-town values that safeguard our freedoms. Nothing could be further from the truth. I grew up in Minnesota, and it’s more liberal than it’s ever been.
As governor, Walz trampled on Minnesotans’ freedoms. Funny how he doesn’t frame his record that way, but he has.
There’s nothing joyful about a record that boasts tax hikes on high-income earners, the middle class and businesses. There’s nothing joyful about running a state that had an extraordinary amount of COVID-related fraud. There’s nothing joyful about signing a law that allows abortions without restrictions.
Harris and Walz are running against Donald Trump, a man who even some Republicans can see is shifty and misleading. Yet, Walz has been misleading about his own military service and rank, prompting condemnation from Republican veterans in Congress.
If Walz and Harris are such happy warriors, why are their records so abysmal? Why is the country’s economy struggling? Why is Minnesota‘s state government spending taxpayer dollars so extravagantly?
Walz seems to be trying hard to portray himself as just a happy, Midwestern dad with a kind of “aww-shucks” appeal. His record as governor doesn’t reflect that. His record as vice president won’t either.
