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Delon’s children denied me final farewell, says live-in companion

The former lover and live-in companion of Alain Delon has accused his three children of “inhumanly” refusing to let her bid farewell to the French actor before his death on Sunday at the age of 88.
The complaint from Hiromi Rollin, 66, who was evicted by the children from his home in July 2023, put the spotlight back on domestic feuding around the actor as France paid homage to one of its biggest stars.
Rollin, a Japanese-born former cinema worker who lived with the ailing Delon and cared for him on his estate at Douchy, 75 miles south of Paris, lashed out at Alain-Fabien, Anouchka and Anthony for ousting her from his life. They claimed she had been taking advantage of his frail mental state since he suffered a stroke in 2019.
• Alain Delon obituary
She told Le Figaro: “We loved one another for 30 years. I lived with him for 17 and was separated from Alain unfairly, brutally and violently. The children had wrongly accused her of being just a housekeeper despite them knowing that “we were sharing the same bed”, she told Le Figaro this year.
“His children did not even allow me to say ‘au revoir’. It’s inhuman. Delon had telephoned to say he was lonely and asked her to visit him.”
Anouchka, 33, and Alain-Fabien, 30, whose mother is Rosalie van Breemen, a Dutch model and journalist, and Anthony, 59, the actor son of Delon’s former and only wife Nathalie, had earlier put aside a continuing dispute to unite around his deathbed. “He passed away peacefully in his home in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and his family,” they said in a statement.
A court dismissed a separate suit by the children against Rollin for alleged abuse and harassment. The actor, represented by his lawyers supported the suit, however he did acknowledge that they had been lovers. “She was my assistant director at first, then it became more intimate then professional again,” he wrote in a court paper.
With the help of a security company and local police, the siblings barred Rollin from re-entering their father’s home after she returned from a trip at the same time as they lodged the suit against her.
• Alain Delon’s children deepen feud with secret recordings
In April, a judge made Delon a ward of court because of the siblings’s fight that began with a magazine interview in which Anthony accused Anouchka of “lying” and “manipulation” for hiding the results of cognitive tests on their father.
Anouchka, said to be her father’s favourite, claimed that Delon could “no longer endure the aggression of his son, who is constantly telling him he is senile”. She called the quarrelling “violent, absurd and abject”, and said it had made her life hell.
The children have since said they accept Delon’s will, which leaves half of his assets estimated at well over €100 million to Anouchka and a quarter each to the sons.
The trio are in discussion with President Macron over a memorial event for the star of a string of 1960s classics such as The Leopard, Rocco and His Brothers, Le Samouraï and La Piscine.
Macron, who paid tribute to Delon as a “French monument” and “inspirer of the world’s dreams”, is said to favour a national ceremony. He honoured Jean-Paul Belmondo, Delon’s rival and friend, with a state ceremony in 2021. However, Delon rejected such an event, saying he wanted to be laid to rest quietly in the cemetery at home, where he had buried his beloved dogs.
In their announcement, the three siblings said Loubo, Delon’s Belgian Shepherd Malinois, joined them in their “deep sadness” over his master’s death. The fate of Loubo attracted media concern on Monday because Delon, who had owned 50 dogs in his life, said in 2018 that he would ask a vet to end the animal’s life if he died before it. “I prefer that than knowing that he would let himself die on my grave with much suffering,” he said. The remark provoked outrage from animal welfare bodies.
